

August 2020


We all have heard the saying: “Be careful what you wish for”. This saying relates to the fact we should consider the impact of our wishes and that wishes could therefore be dangerous. But something which is more dangerous than our wishes, are our thoughts. But how can our thoughts be dangerous? Our thoughts are [...]

July 2020

Battle of the ages: Parent vs Child

You might have guessed that this quote was me talking about my own kids with my articulate friends, but you’d be wrong. You might have thought it was a politician, religious leader, teacher, coach, lecturer in either this or the last century. But you would have been wrong again. If you guessed the year between [...]

May 2020

Life as we know it has changed

As I was driving back from work the other day, I passed one of my favourite restaurants. My mouth started salivating like Pavlov’s dogs at the thought of having a Cicada Burger with an ice-cold beer. A thought we all have had the last few weeks popped into my head: “I can’t wait for things [...]

April 2020

Control, Control, Control

As the Lockdown commenced and got extended the word control has been mauling in my mind like a mantra. Pretty much like the property cliché of “location, location, location”, everything I observe on social media, people’s behaviour and my daily family life screams “control, control, control”. Initially the impact of control hit me when the [...]

Still Open

Still OPEN for psychological services!! In providing individuals with ongoing help and support, all psychological and therapeutic services are now available online. I will be using an free, secure videotelephony platform and app, ( OR Medici app) for all future lockdown consultations and queries. Open/Online Mon- Sat 09:00-17:00. Message or whatsapp 0646852929 or email [...]

March 2020

Officially on Lockdown

We are officially in lockdown. Sat on my stoep and experienced the calmness of going in lockdown. Let us maintain and sustain that calmness through the next 21 days. HH Psychology will continue working at the hospitals, only seeing in-patients. If you feel an urgency to talk to me please contact me to schedule an [...]

Vergewe My | VIA TV Show | Hein Hofmeyr

  Finally, the new series is on VIA TV, channel 147 on DSTV. Great feeling to share my work and passion as a psychologist not only with my clients but also with the viewers of South Africa. Take a look at this new series based on the process of forgiveness for the victims and remorse [...]